Rita Knight Art is pleased to offer new angels in The Angel Collection. These angels correspond with the different stages in the lives of women. The first is the Age of Attraction...this is the stage where the woman is trying to attract a mate or focusing on her career. The next is the Age of Attachment...this stage is a time of forming bonds with a mate, child, boss, or cause. The focus of these relationships is outward...placing the needs of others over the needs of self...nurturing a partner, child, friend or cause. Sometimes, the female "loses herself" in supporting these relationships. The Age of Cocooning...like the caterpillar spins a chrysalis around itself...women are looking within...a period of deep reflection...that emerges into a major renewal with a new sense of purpose. The Age of Breakthrough ...at this time, women begin to make life choices that serve our highest good, regardless
what others may think or want. We assume responsibility for our own needs & happiness.
Here are examples of the stages:
"Age of Attraction"
"Age of Attachment"...In this example, mother/daughter
"Age of Cocooning"
"Age of Breakthrough"
Wow! Helpful article. Thanks for sharing.
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