Thursday, April 27, 2017

"The 7th Angel" is Symbol for Knotts Island Hope Jamboree

Recently I received a letter from Diana Settles who bought this angel as she & her sister were traveling through Madison during the holiday season. Diana contacted me & shared this wonderful news...the angel she bought she named, "The 7th Angel". The name originated because it was the 7th angel added to her house as well as the significance of the number..."completion and perfection". The number is mentioned in the Bible 490 times.

Diana goes on to explain this angel symbolizes an important part of her journey, and that the angel connects her with the Holy Spirit. As the angel was framed and placed in the entrance to her home, plans started coming together for the First Annual Knotts Island Jamboree, an event devoted toward preparing counselors for a summer of giving to children & youth in the Hampton Road area of Virginia.

Diana is also an 8th grade LIFEgroup teacher at her church. The students are helping her host the event. They are pulling together art supplies for the summer camps. Rather than being passive recipients of information, she is teaching them to make a difference in the lives around them. They will be our future leaders.

As I have a heart for teaching, I am honored to be a part of this venture. Thank you so much, Diana, for sharing with me how one of my angels is impacting others. Also, thank you for the work you are doing. As you said, "It's all about giving to and loving others. We are all a part of God's family...We are all just walking each other home." Isaiah 41:10

                                                               "The 7th Angel"