Tuesday, September 10, 2013

A Group Effort at MAG...working together on an Intuitive Painting

For the past few weeks, I have been getting together with a group of ladies for Open Studio at the Monroe Art Guild. We decided to work on a group project...an intuitive painting. Sue Grilli and I had submitted this type of art for the MAG Summer Members' Show. Susan Pelham had two large canvases so we jumped right in with paint, tools, paper, sponges, and anything else that came to mind. The paintings are still evolving...but, I had so much fun working on these. I am going back to teaching and won't be able to finish them, but I have a feeling they will find a permanent place in the MAG lobby.
Stop by MAG and see the finished products...

                                              First layers of the first canvas...love the colors!
                                           Sue Grilli & Susan Pelham working on painting (Middle photo)
                                       Some of the group working on individual projects (Bottom photo)


Sue Grilli said...

Rita- what a great blog post about the groups work on the collaborative canvas. We are still working on it but am so excited to see how it turns out. I will keep you and your fans posted!

Rita Knight said...

Thanks, Sue!