Friday, February 13, 2015

Crazy in Love...What Happens to Your Brain When You Have Chemistry

I read this article by Victoria Fletcher and thought it was very appropriate for Valentine's Day reading. Doctors have unraveled the mystery of why love can make us giddy...irrational...and even ridiculous! The frontal cortex, vital to judgement, shuts down when we fall in, doesn't this explain a lot!
When you look at someone you are passionate about, some areas of the brain become active, but a LARGE part is de-activated, the part that plays a role in judgement. If judgement is suspended, the most unlikely pair can get together. Someone in love will still be capable of making serious major decisions in other areas. The area of the brain that controls FEAR and other negative emotions closes down explaining why people feel so HAPPY with the world.
Love is a Drug...chemicals such as dopamine & adrenaline kick in causing desire, heart racing, sweaty palms to name a few feelings.
This makes it harder for friends to convince them, "they have taken leave of their senses" when it comes to LOVE, and explains why some of our choices were irrational!

                                                               Happy Valentine's Day!

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