Monday, December 7, 2015

The Ways Angels are Involved in the Lives of Believers

Angels are actively involved in our lives if we are children of God...on a daily basis.

When we repent, angels rejoice. There are points of repentance that take place at the moment of conversion. but subsequent to conversion, God intends that we should continue to be repenters. That is the Holy Spirit within us...convicting us that we have sinned against God. We should have a lifestyle of repenting before God as He reveals issues and needs in our lives. When we repent, the angels rejoice!

Angels encamp around us. Psalm 34:7 "The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him and He delivers them." A boundary...a protective hedge...
The enemy can't get to us without getting through an army of angels that "encamp" around us.

The angels protect us from harm. Psalm 91
This is one of my favorite verses.

Angels are sent to rescue us from impossible situations. Acts 5, Acts 12
God will make the decision...not for every situation.

Angels provide strength when we are weak. 1 Kings 19

Angels will carry or escort us to heaven at the time of death. Luke 16

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