Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Melvina..."the middle child" of the traveling mermaids

My name is Melvina. I so love's like the meaning of life to can lie in it, mess with it, and use it in all types of salads. As the middle child in the family, I feel like I should just focus on myself...especially, my long golden locks.  My mother did not give me enough attention as a child; therefore, resulting in some narcissistic tendencies. I am now trying to work through some of these issues with meditation, painting, helping name a few. At the moment, I still feel like no one understands me. Not only, do I love seaweed, but I am in love with the rest of the ocean as well. I'm kind of an "earth nut"...I don't want to say, "tree-hugger"...but, I am and my family just needs to deal with it! On a lighter note, I really hope that one day I can live in a castle of seaweed.

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